1. This diagram could also be expressed as a supertype/subtype construction. True or False?
- True
- False (*)
2. If the entity CD has the attributes: #number, *title, *producer, *year, o store name, o store address, this entity is in 3rd Normal Form (”no non-UID attribute can be dependent on another non-UID attribute). True or False?
- True
- False (*)
3. Which of the following can be added to a relationship?
- an attribute
- an arc can be assigned (*)
- a composite attribute
- an optional attribute can be created
4. Which of the following would best be represented by an arc?
- STUDENT (senior, junior)
- STUDENT (graduating, non-graduating)
- STUDENT (will-attend-university, will-not-attend-university)
- STUDENT ( University, Trade School) (*)
5. All parts of a UID are mandatory. True or False?
- True (*)
- False
6. Which of the following is the definition for Third Normal Form?
- All attributes are single valued
- An attribute must be dependent upon entity’s entire unique identifier
- No non-UID attribute can be dependent on another non-UID attribute (*)
- All attributes are uniquely doubled and independent
7. To visually represent exclusivity between two or more relationships in an ERD you would most likely use an ________.
- Arc (*)
- Subtype
- Supertype
8. Secondary UID’s are
- not permitted in data modeling
- mandatory in data modeling
- useful as an alternative means identifying instances of an entity (*)
- always comprised of numbers
Test: Quiz: Hierarchies and Recursive Relationships
1. Which of the following would be a good Unique Identifier for its Entity? (Choose Two)
- Identification Number for Person (*)
- Birthdate for Baby Which Includes Hour, Minute, and Seconds (*)
- Order date for Order
- Vehicle Type Number for Car
2. A relationship can be both recursive and hierachal at the same time. True or False?
- True
- False (*)
3. A recursive rationship should not be part of a UID. True or False?
- True (*)
- False
4. In this simple diagram, what comprises the unique identifier for the student class entity?
- student id and class id
- student id, class id and course id
- course id
- student id and course id (*)
Test: Quiz: Modeling Historical Data
1. Which of the following scenarios should be modeled so that historical data is kept? (Choose two)
- LIBRARY and BOOK (*)
2. Modeling historical data can produce a unique identifier that includes a date. True or False?
- True (*)
- False
3. Audit trail attributes cannot be placed in the entities they are auditing, they must be placed in separate, new entities, created just for that purpose. True or False?
- True
- False (*)
4. Historical data should always be kept. True or False?
- True
- False (*)
Cool! Thank you very much, nice work!