1. Non-transferable relationships can only be mandatory, not optional. True or False?
- True (*)
- False
2. A non-transferable relationship is represented by which of the following symbols? M
- Heart
- Diamond (*)
- Circle
- Triangle
3. If a relationship can be moved between instances of the entities it connects, it is said to be:
- Implicit
- Transferrable (*)
- Committed
- Recursive
Test: Quiz: Relationship Types
1. What uncommon relationship is described by the statements: “Each LINE must consist of many POINTS and each POINT must be a part of many LINES”
- One to Many Optional
- One to Many Mandatory
- Many to Many Optional
- Many to Many Mandatory (*)
2. Many to many relationships between entities usually hide what?
- Another relationship
- Another entity (*)
- More attributes
- Uniqueness
3. When resolving an M:M relationship, the new relationships will always be __________ on the many side.
- optional
- recursive
- mandatory (*)
- redundant
4. Which of the following are relationship types? (Choose Two)
- One to Some
- Many to Many (*)
- One to Many (*)
- One to Another
5. If the same relationship is represented twice in an Entity Relationship Model, it is said to be:
- Replicated
- Removable
- Redundant (*)
- Resourceful
6. Which of the following pairs of entities is most likely to be modeled as a M:M relationship? (Choose Two)
- CAR and DRIVER (*)
7. When are relationships unnecessary?
- When you can derive the relationship from other relationships in the model (*)
- When they have the same visual structure but different meaning
- When the information does not relate to the model
- When the relationships connect 2 entities and they each have distinct meanings
Test: Quiz: Resolving Many to Many Relationships
1. Many-to-Many relationships are perfectly acceptable in a finished ERD. There is no need to do any more work on them. True or False?
- True
- False (*)
2. When you resolve a M-M by creating an intersection entity, this new entity will always inherit:
- The attributes of both related entities.
- A relationship to each entity from the original M-M. (*)
- The UID’s from the entities in the original M-M.
- Nothing is inherited from the original entities and relationship.
3. If an intersection entity is formed that contains no attributes of its own, its uniqueness may be modeled by
- Creating new attributes.
- Barring the relationships to the original entities. (*)
- Placing the UID attributes from the original entities into the intersection entity.
- None of the above.
Cool! Thank you very much, nice work!