Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Section 11.2 Oracle Quiz

Section 11.2

1. In a physical data model, an entity becomes a/an _____________.

  • Table (*)
  • Constraint
  • Column
  • Attribute

2. In a physical data model, a relationship is represented as a:

  • Primary Key
  • Unique Identifier
  • Column
  • Foreign Key (*)

3. Attributes become columns in a database table. True or False?

  • True (*)
  • False

4. Why would this table name NOT work in an Oracle database?

  • Numbers cannot be incorporated into table names
  • Table names must start with an alphabetic character (*)
  • Underscores "_" are not allowed in table names
  • None of the above

5. In an Oracle database, why would the following table name not be allowed 'EMPLOYEE JOBS'?

  • The database does not understand all capital letters
  • JOBS is a reserved word
  • EMPLOYEE is a reserved word
  • You cannot have spaces between words in a table name (*)

6. The transformation from an ER diagram to a physical design involves changing terminology. Entities in the ER diagram become __________ , and attributes become ____________.

  • Foreign Keys, Columns
  • Tables, Foreign Keys
  • Columns, Tables
  • Tables, Columns (*)

7. The transformation from an ER diagram to a physical design involves changing terminology. Relationships in the ER diagram become __________ , and primary unique identifiers become ____________.

  • Foreign keys, Optional business rules
  • Foreign keys, Primary keys (*)
  • Primary keys, Foreign keys
  • Foreign keys, Mandatory business rules

Section 11.1 Oracle Quiz

Section 1
(Answer all questions in this section)

1. Identify all of the correct statements that complete this sentence: A primary key is: (Choose Three) (Choose all correct answers)

  • A single column that uniquely identifies each row in a table (*)
  • A set of columns that uniquely identifies each row in a table (*)
  • A set of columns and keys in a single table that uniquely identifies each row in a single table (*)
  • Only one column that cannot be null
2. A table does not have to have a primary key. True or False?

  • True (*)
  • False

3. One or more columns in a primary key can be null. True or False? 

  • True
  • False (*)
4. A foreign key always refers to a primary key in the same table. True or False?

  • True
  • False (*)

5. Foreign keys cannot be null when

  • It is part of a primary key (*)
  • It refers to another table
  • It contains three or more columns

6. Column integrity refers to

  • Columns always having values
  • Columns always containing positive numbers
  • Columns always containing values consistent with the defined data format (*)
  • Columns always containing text data less than 255 characters

7. The explanation below is an example of which constraint type?
A primary key must be unique, and no part of the primary key can be null.

  • Entity integrity (*)
  • Referential integrity
  • Column integrity
  • User-defined integrity

8. The explanation below is an example of which constraint type?
A column must contain only values consistent with the defined data format of the column

  • Entity integrity
  • Referential integrity
  • Column integrity (*)
  • User-defined integrity

9. The explanation below is an example of which constraint type?
The value in the dept_no column of the EMPLOYEES table must match a value in the dept_no column in the DEPARTMENTS table.

  • Entity integrity
  • Referential integrity (*)
  • Column integrity
  • User-defined integrity

10. The explanation below is an example of which constraint type?
If the value in the balance column of the ACCOUNTS table is below 100, we must send a letter to the account owner which will require extra programming to enforce.

  • Entity integrity
  • Referential integrity
  • Column integrity
  • User-defined integrity (*)

Section 10 Oracle Quiz

Test: Quiz: Modeling Change: Time
1. How do you know when to use the different types of time in your design?

  • The rules are fixed and should be followed
  • It depends on the functional needs of the system (*)
  • You would first determine the existence of the concept of time and map it against the Greenwich Mean Time
  • Always model time, you can take it out later if it is not needed

2. Modeling historical data produces efficient ways for a business to operate such as:

  • Modeling historical data does not help a business.
  • Providing valuable information via reports to management . (*)
  • Keeping track of holiday dates.
  • Employees can work in two time zones.

3. When you add the concept of time to your data model, you are:

  • Simplifying your model.
  • Adding complexity to your model. (*)
  • Just changing the model, but this does not change the complexity of it.
  • None of the above.

4. Which of the following would be a logical constraint when modeling time for a country entity?

  • People have births and deaths in their countries that must be tracked by the system.
  • If you are doing a system for France or Germany, you would need security clearance.
  • Countries may need an end date in your system, because they can change fundamentally over time, e.g. Yugoslavia. (*)
  • You need a constant record of countries, because they are still countries, even if leadership changes over time, e.g. France, USA and most other countries.

5. If you are tracking employment dates for an employee, do you need to have an “End Date” attribute?

  • Yes, because you always need an end date when you have a start date
  • No, because an end date is usually redundant
  • Yes, if the company wants to track employee information, like multiple start and end dates (*)
  • No, not if the company likes the employee

6. What is the benefit to the users of a system that includes “time,” e.g. Start Date and End Date for Employees?

  • Increased usability and flexibility of a system; we can the trace e.g. the different managers an employee had over time. (*)
  • System becomes 100% unstable; allows users to log on and log off at will.
  • Users are able to create complex programs in support of this component.
  • Reporting becomes nearly impossible, users enjoy this.

7. It is desirable to have an entity called DAY with a holiday attribute when you want to track special holidays in a payroll system. True or False?

  • True (*)
  • False

Test: Quiz: Modeling Change: Price

1. You are doing a data model for a computer sales company, where the price goes down on a regular basis. If you want to allow them to modify the price and keep track of the changes, what is the best way to model this?

  • A. Create a product entity and a related price entity with start and end dates, and then let the users enter the new price whenever required.
  • B. Create a new item and a new price every day.
  • C. Use a price entity with a start and end date
  • D. Allow them to delete the item and enter a new one.
  • E. Both A and C (*)

2. Why would you want to model a time component when designing a system that lets people buy bars of gold?

  • The price of gold fluctuates and for determining price, you need to know the time of purchase (*)
  • To allow the sales people to determine where the gold is coming from
  • You would not want to model this, it is not important
  • The Government of your country might want to be notified of this transaction.

3. Which of the following is a logical constraint that could result from considering how time impacts an example of data storage?

  • End Date must be before the Start Date.
  • ASSIGNMENT periods can overlap causing the database to crash.
  • An ASSIGNMENT may only refer to a COUNTRY that is valid at the Start Date of the ASSIGNMENT. (*)
  • Dates can be valued only with Time.

4. What is the function of logging or journaling in conceptual data models?

  • Allows you to track the history of attribute values, relationships and/or entire entities (*)
  • Gives a timestamp to all entities
  • Represents entities as time in the data model
  • Creates a fixed time for all events in a data model

Secion 8 Oracle Quiz

Test: Quiz: What is a Consultant

1. How does the dictionary define “consultant”?

  • A person who knows everything
  • One responsible for knowing everything
  • One who gives expert or professional advice (*)
  • None of the Above

2. Only Consultants can develop new data models for a company, they are mandatory, so companies must find them and hire them. True or False?

  • True
  • False (*)

3. Which of the following skills are required for Consultants. (Choose Two)

  • Communication skills (*)
  • Excellent drawing skills
  • Must be able to speak at least two languages fluently, preferably four or more
  • Team-working skills (*)

Test: Quiz: Overcoming the Fear Factor

1. Which of the following is a valid technique for effective public speaking?

  • Making eye contact
  • Using familiar words when communicating technical information
  • Being enthusiastic
  • All of the Above (*)

2. Your apperance at a presentation is not important, you should just show up and give the presentation in whatever clothes makes you comfortable. So feel free to wear Jeans and old T-Shirts etc. Being comfortable is more important than anything else. True or False?

  • True
  • False (*)

3. When you are involved in a group presentation, your group should practice before hand and agree on who presents the various parts. You should all be involved somehow. True or False?

  • True (*)
  • False

Section 7 Oracle Quiz

Test: Quiz: Arcs

1. This diagram could also be expressed as a supertype/subtype construction. True or False?

  • True
  • False (*)

2. If the entity CD has the attributes: #number, *title, *producer, *year, o store name, o store address, this entity is in 3rd Normal Form (”no non-UID attribute can be dependent on another non-UID attribute). True or False?

  • True
  • False (*)

3. Which of the following can be added to a relationship?

  • an attribute
  • an arc can be assigned (*)
  • a composite attribute
  • an optional attribute can be created

4. Which of the following would best be represented by an arc?

  • STUDENT (senior, junior)
  • STUDENT (graduating, non-graduating)
  • STUDENT (will-attend-university, will-not-attend-university)
  • STUDENT ( University, Trade School) (*)

5. All parts of a UID are mandatory. True or False?

  • True (*)
  • False

6. Which of the following is the definition for Third Normal Form?

  • All attributes are single valued
  • An attribute must be dependent upon entity’s entire unique identifier
  • No non-UID attribute can be dependent on another non-UID attribute (*)
  • All attributes are uniquely doubled and independent

7. To visually represent exclusivity between two or more relationships in an ERD you would most likely use an ________.

  • Arc (*)
  • UID
  • Subtype
  • Supertype

8. Secondary UID’s are

  • not permitted in data modeling
  • mandatory in data modeling
  • useful as an alternative means identifying instances of an entity (*)
  • always comprised of numbers

Test: Quiz: Hierarchies and Recursive Relationships

1. Which of the following would be a good Unique Identifier for its Entity? (Choose Two)

  • Identification Number for Person (*)
  • Birthdate for Baby Which Includes Hour, Minute, and Seconds  (*)
  • Order date for Order
  • Vehicle Type Number for Car

2. A relationship can be both recursive and hierachal at the same time. True or False?

  • True
  • False (*)

3. A recursive rationship should not be part of a UID. True or False?

  • True (*)
  • False

4. In this simple diagram, what comprises the unique identifier for the student class entity?

  • student id and class id
  • student id, class id and course id
  • course id
  • student id and course id (*)

Test: Quiz: Modeling Historical Data

1. Which of the following scenarios should be modeled so that historical data is kept? (Choose two)

  • LIBRARY and BOOK (*)
  • STUDENT and GRADE (*)

2. Modeling historical data can produce a unique identifier that includes a date. True or False?

  • True (*)
  • False

3. Audit trail attributes cannot be placed in the entities they are auditing, they must be placed in separate, new entities, created just for that purpose. True or False?

  • True
  • False (*)

4. Historical data should always be kept. True or False?

  • True
  • False (*)

Section 6 Oracel Quiz

Test: Quiz: Artificial, Composite and Secondary UIDs

1. A unique identifier can only be made up of one attribute. True or False?

  • True
  • False (*)

2. An entity can only have one UID. True or False?

  • True
  • False (*)

3. People are not born with “numbers”, but a lot of systems assign student numbers, customer IDs, etc.ᅠA shoe has a color, a size, a style, but may not have a descriptive “number”. So, to be able to uniquely and efficiently identify one instance of the entity SHOE, a/an ______________ UID can be created.

  • artificial (*)
  • unrealistic
  • structured
  • identification

4. A UID can be made up from the following: (Choose Two)

  • Attributes (*)
  • Entities
  • Relationships (*)
  • Synonyms

Test: Quiz: Normalization and First Normal Form

1. When data is stored in more than one place in a database, the database violates the rules of ___________.

  • Normalization (*)
  • Replication
  • Normalcy
  • Decency

2. An entity can have repeated values and still be in 1st Normal Form. True or False?

  • True
  • False (*)

3. The following entity is on 1st normal form: True or False?



  • True
  • False (*)

4. When all attributes are single-valued, the database model is said to conform to:

  • 1st Normal Form (*)
  • 2nd Normal Form
  • 3rd Normal Form
  • 4th Normal Form

Test: Quiz: Second Normal Form
1. What is the rule of Second Normal Form?

  • All non-UID attributes must be dependent upon the entire UID (*)
  • Some non-UID attributes can be dependent on the entire UID
  • No non-UID attributes can be dependent on any part of the UID
  • None of the Above

2. Examine the following entity and decide which attribute breaks the 2nd Normal Form rule:




3. All instances of the subtypes must be an instance of the supertype.

  • True (*)
  • False

4. Not all instances of the supertype are instances of one of the subtypes.

  • True
  • False (*)

5. A supertype should have at least two subtypes.

  • True (*)
  • False

6. An entity can be on 2nd Normal Form even if it has repeated values. True or False?

  • True
  • False (*)

Test: Quiz: Third Normal Form

1. Examine the following Entity and decide which sets of attributes breaks the 3rd Normal Form rule: (Choose Two)




2. As a database designer it is your job to store data in only one place and the best place. True or False?

  • True (*)
  • False

3. No databases in the world is ever truly on 3rd Normal Form. Everyone always stops after 2nd Normal Form. True or False?

  • True
  • False (*)

Section 5 Oracle Quiz

Test: Quiz: Relationship Transferability

1. Non-transferable relationships can only be mandatory, not optional. True or False?

  • True (*)
  • False

2. A non-transferable relationship is represented by which of the following symbols? M

  • Heart
  • Diamond (*)
  • Circle
  • Triangle

3. If a relationship can be moved between instances of the entities it connects, it is said to be:

  • Implicit
  • Transferrable (*)
  • Committed
  • Recursive

Test: Quiz: Relationship Types

1. What uncommon relationship is described by the statements: “Each LINE must consist of many POINTS and each POINT must be a part of many LINES”

  • One to Many Optional
  • One to Many Mandatory
  • Many to Many Optional
  • Many to Many Mandatory (*)

2. Many to many relationships between entities usually hide what?

  • Another relationship
  • Another entity (*)
  • More attributes
  • Uniqueness

3. When resolving an M:M relationship, the new relationships will always be __________ on the many side.

  • optional
  • recursive
  • mandatory (*)
  • redundant

4. Which of the following are relationship types? (Choose Two)

  • One to Some
  • Many to Many (*)
  • One to Many (*)
  • One to Another

5. If the same relationship is represented twice in an Entity Relationship Model, it is said to be:

  • Replicated
  • Removable
  • Redundant (*)
  • Resourceful

6. Which of the following pairs of entities is most likely to be modeled as a M:M relationship? (Choose Two)

  • STUDENT and CLASS (*)
  • CAR and DRIVER (*)

7. When are relationships unnecessary?

  • When you can derive the relationship from other relationships in the model (*)
  • When they have the same visual structure but different meaning
  • When the information does not relate to the model
  • When the relationships connect 2 entities and they each have distinct meanings

Test: Quiz: Resolving Many to Many Relationships

1. Many-to-Many relationships are perfectly acceptable in a finished ERD. There is no need to do any more work on them. True or False?

  • True
  • False (*)

2. When you resolve a M-M by creating an intersection entity, this new entity will always inherit:

  • The attributes of both related entities.
  • A relationship to each entity from the original M-M. (*)
  • The UID’s from the entities in the original M-M.
  • Nothing is inherited from the original entities and relationship.

3. If an intersection entity is formed that contains no attributes of its own, its uniqueness may be modeled by

  • Creating new attributes.
  • Barring the relationships to the original entities. (*)
  • Placing the UID attributes from the original entities into the intersection entity.
  • None of the above.